
Install HERE Map Widget for Jupyter with conda from the Anaconda conda-forge channel using the below command:

$ conda install -c conda-forge here-map-widget-for-jupyter

Install HERE Map Widget for Jupyter from PyPI using the below command:

$ pip install here-map-widget-for-jupyter

Below extra commands are required only if you are using classic Jupyter Notebook (version 5.3 or older):

$ jupyter nbextension install --py --sys-prefix here_map_widget
$ jupyter nbextension enable here_map_widget --py --sys-prefix

Below extra commands are required only if you are using JupyterLab (version 2 or older):

$ npm config set @here:registry
$ jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager @here/map-widget-for-jupyter

Installation from source repository on GitHub

For a development installation (requires yarn, you can install it with conda install -c conda-forge yarn):

$ git clone
$ cd here-map-widget-for-jupyter
$ pip install -e .

If you are using the classic Jupyter Notebook you need to install the nbextension:

$ jupyter nbextension install --py --sys-prefix here_map_widget
$ jupyter nbextension enable here_map_widget --py --sys-prefix

Note for developers:

  • the -e pip option allows one to modify the Python code in-place. Restart the kernel in order to see the changes.

  • the --symlink argument on Linux or OS X allows one to modify the JavaScript code in-place. This feature is not available with Windows.

For developing with JupyterLab:

$ jupyter labextension develop here_map_widget